Kristin Hough

Believe. Achieve.


Kristin Hough’s latest body of work delves into the to-your-bones cringe that is American MLM and get-rich-quick culture. From the coveted Mary Kay pink Cadillac that continues to elude so many saleswomen, to the 90’s Beanie Baby mania that promised dividends beyond any Wall Street investment, Hough has used symbols of the MLM and similar schemes as a case study in gender, class, and religion under capitalism in America.  Her direct and implicitly humorous art acts as a historical catalog of marketing crazes that have crashed from the very lofty heights they once flew.  The images underscore the betrayed devotion of those who gave their all for the companies that promised so much- companies that often dictated moral codes and standards to their “representatives” in a cult-like fashion.  Indeed, the pink that is ubiquitous throughout this exhibition has a hypnotic effect, alluding to how insidious these schemes still are, especially for aspiring “mom-repreneurs.”  But perhaps what Hough has best captured, is the absurdity of the American ideal that anyone can be rich if only they make the right choice about what to buy, and what to sell.

To learn more about Kristin Hough and her work visit:

@keekshough on Instagram

For inquiries regarding the works in Believe.Achieve. please visit the artist website or email

This project is supported in part by the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts